Curb Your Appetite

It is astonishing how easy it can be for the extra pounds to creep up on us, especially as we age. Putting on a few extra pounds here and there may not seem significant but over the course of a…
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The Importance of Sunscreen

Did you know that skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States? One in five Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer. The deadliest form of skin cancer, melanoma, is responsible for most of the…
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All About Metabolism

We all have a friend who can eat or drink whatever they want and never gain an ounce. Some, on the other hand, can’t even look at a piece of cake without gaining five pounds. No fair! What gives? It’s…
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Managing Burnout

Burnout has been officially classified by the World Health Organization as a syndrome resulting from unmanaged workplace stress. It calls burnout “an occupational phenomenon.” Does endless emails, a demanding boss and a bottomless to-do list leave you feeling stressed and…
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Sleep Deprivation

Far too many Americans don’t get enough sleep. When we feel pressed for time and have too much to do, we often sacrifice hours of sleep in order to cope. Maybe you’re someone who actually boasts about how little sleep…
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Tips For Stretching

Flexibility is the ability to extend or stretch without breaking. Improving your flexibility is important for preventing injury. It can also improve performance. Loss of flexibility can lead to permanent changes in posture and normal muscle function. There are countless…
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Boost Your Brain Power

Can’t find your keys?  Having trouble remembering the name of the restaurant you were at at last month?  Perhaps you need to improve your brain power.  Better memory, sharper thinking and enhanced creativity are just a few of the benefits…
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Headache Prevention Tips

There are ways to effectively treat headaches naturally. Of course, preventing the initial onset of a headache is key. Though you can’t prevent every headache, there are ways to be proactive about staving off headaches. Headaches are among the most…
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Nutrition Labels

If you have a clear understanding of the nutritional value of packaged food that you are considering, you can make healthier choices. Here are a few tips to help navigate Nutrition Facts labels. Start by checking out the Serving Size.…
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Soluble & Insoluble Fiber

When we think about dietary fiber, most of us think primarily about digestive functions. However, consuming foods high in fiber can do a lot more than keep us “regular.” Incorporating plenty of fiber into our diets can lower the risk…
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